Taiga Puraido o Arigatō
25th August 2024
Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you!
Today is Sunday. So weekend morning and night livestream with Sonia and Sunan. Here are some kanji that I've learned and practiced:

田舎 (inaka) = countryside
捨てる (suteru) = to throw away
かっこいい (kakkoii) = cool
P/S: Pardon me for missing an い there!

甥 (oi) = nephew
嬢 (jou) = daughter
姪 (mei) = niece
🇨🇳 侄女 (zhi nü) = niece
P/S: We are learning/reviewing 中文 (Chinese) at the same time!
Thankfully we have some Chinese learners like NoOne (Amanda) and Mik Col (Kim) who joined us. We are also accompanied by rabid_lion11/ラビドライオン11.
Shout out to 睿婕 and Mik Col for the gifts! ありがとうございました! They are also moderators 😄
睿婕 = Heart Me 💖, Tiger Pride 🐯
Mik Col = 6 Roses 🌹
I think that's it for this entry. またね~ 👋