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FaizaLingo's Blog

Journal of learning and self-improvement

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Hello world!

24th August 2024

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon you!

This is my first blog on this website. I was thinking of creating this blog as a language-learning journal when I saw this video on YT:

The title "How & Why You Should Track Your Language Learning" made me think of journaling like I've done in the past which were more to general things like what happened or what event I attended.

Since I'm doing Japanese kanji practice livestream on TikTok (since February this year), why not blogging about it? Besides strengthening my memory, I can actually track and see the progress I made throughout this journey.

Let's see some progress on new Kanji characters today:
秒 (byou) = second
順番 (junban) = order/sequence
計算 (keisan) = calculation
平均点 (heikinten) = average score/point/mark
電卓 (dentaku) = calculator

Ah by the way, 電卓 is actually the abreviation of 電子(式)卓上計算機 (dentakushi (shiki) takujou keisanki). I was actually wondering about the table kanji (卓) and why is calculator an "electric table". That was when I asked Sonia, my AI livestream assistant, and she answered:

Sonia AI answering that calculator is flat like a table

Then I went to HiNative and found the abbreviation explanation. Phew!

I think that's it for this entry. またね~ 👋

"The pen has always been mightier than the sword"