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- 7 Fundamental Questions Regarding Islam
- 33 Lessons for Every Muslim
- 50 Questions and Answers on Islamic Monotheism
- A Glimpse into the Religion of Islam
- A Guide for the New Muslim
- A Treatise On Muslim Unity
- Ancient Religions, Modern Politics - The Islamic Case in Comparative Perspective
- Animals in Islamic Tradition and Muslim Cultures
- As Through A Veil Mystical Poetry in Islam
- Conditions and Pillars of Prayer
- Covering Islam
- Declaring A Muslim - To Be An Apostate - Its Guidelines
- Discover Islam
- Environmentalism In The Muslim World
- Essential Lessons For Every Muslim
- Interacting with non-Muslim Parents - A Guide for the New Muslim
- Familiar Strangers - A History of Muslims in Northwest China
- Important Lessons For Every Muslim
- Islam - A Mosaic, Not a Monolith
- Islam - A Short History
- Islam - An introduction
- ISLAM - Its Beauty and Wisdom
- Islam and its Past Jahiliyya, Late Antiquity, and the Qur'an
- Islam and Science - Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle for Rationality
- Islam and the Future of Tolerance - A Dialogue
- Islam and the Future of Tolerance
- Islam in India and Pakistan
- Islam in the Indian subcontinent
- Islamic Studies - Book 1
- Islamophobia - Thought Crime of the Totalitarian Future
- Knowledge-Based Questions For Muslim Children
- Muhammad
- Muslim Identities - An Introduction to Islam
- Muwatta of Imam Malik
- My First Islamic Studies Book - Junior Level
- Program of Study for New Muslims
- Sahih Bukhari
- Shamaail e Tirmidhi
- Sunan Abu Dawud
- The A to Z of Islam
- The Crisis of Islam - Holy War and Unholy Terror
- The Dao of Muhammad - A Cultural History of Muslims in Late Imperial China
- The Illustrious Women of Islam
- The Muslims Prayer - A Simple Guide On How To Pray
- The Noble Revered Prophet of Islam - Muhammad
- The Pillars of Islam-Iman - What Every Muslim Must-Know About the Religion
- The Shahaadah - Testimony of Faith
- The Status Of Jesus In Islam
- The Value of Time in the Muslims Life
- What Every Muslim Must Know about Purification
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- Cosmology - The origin and evolution of cosmic structure
- Cosmology, inflation and the physics of nothing
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- Relativity, thermodynamics, and cosmology
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- Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching
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- Shepherding a Child's Heart
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- Teaching and Learning of Knot Theory in School Mathematics
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- The Ten-Minute Inservice - 40 Simple Training Sessions That Build Teacher Effectiveness
- Through a Distorted Lens Media as Curricula and Pedagogy in the 21st Century
- Using History to Teach Mathematics - An International Perspective
- Vita Mathematica - Historical Research and Integration with Teaching
- What's Math Got to Do with It - How Teachers and Parents Can Transform Mathematics Learning and Inspire Success
Engineering (Mech)
- An Engineering Companion to the Mechanics of Materials - A Systems Approach
- An Introduction to Moreau's Sweeping Process
- Dynamics of Mechanical Systems
- Electromechanical Dynamics Part III Elastic and Fluid Media
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics
- Environmental Fluid Mechanics Memorial Volume
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- Impacts in Mechanical Systems - Analysis and Modelling
- Integrated Optomechanical Analysis
- Mechanical Design 2e
- Mechanical Design Engineering Handbook
- Mechanical Engineering Design - An Introduction
- Mechanical Measurements 6e
- Mechanical Properties of Ceramics 2e
- Mechanical Properties of Metals Atomistic and Fractal Continuum Approaches
- Mechanical Relaxation of interstitials in Irradiated Metals
- Mechanical Self-Assembly Science and Applications
- Mechanical System Dynamics
- Mechanical Systems, Classical Models Vol. 1 - Particle Mechanics
- Mechanical Systems, Classical Models Vol. 2 - Mechanics of Discrete and Continuous Systems
- Mechanical Systems, Classical Models Vol. 3 - Analytical Mechanics
- Mechanical Vibration - Analysis, Uncertainties, and Control
- Mechanical Vibration - Where do we Stand
- Mechanical Vibrations - Modeling and Measurement
- Mechanical Vibrations
- Mechanics - From Newton's Laws to Deterministic Chaos 6e
- Mechanics - Newtonian, Classical, Relativistic Theory, Problems, Applications
- Mechanics 3e
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- Mechanics and Control
- Mechanics and Control
- Mechanics and Mathematics of Crystals - Selected Papers of J L Ericksen
- Mechanics and Mathematics of Fluids of the Differential Type
- Mechanics and Physics of Precise Vacuum Mechanisms
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- Mechanics of Continua and Wave Dynamics 2e
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- Mechanics of Generalized Continua - One Hundred Years After the Cosserats
- Mechanics of Generalized Continua
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- Mechanics of Materials - A Modern Integration of Mechanics and Materials in Structural Design
- Mechanics of Periodically Heterogeneous Structures
- Mechanics of Real Fluids
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- Mechanics of transformation toughening and related topics
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- Modelling of Mechanical Systems Vol. 3 - Fluid-Structure Interaction
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- Mastering Macro Photography
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- Photographing the Aurora Borealis
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- A History of the Vietnamese
- A History of the World In 100 Objects
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- A Short History of the Ancient World
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- Athens - A History, From Ancient Ideal To Modern City
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- A Companion to American Legal History
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- Institutions of Law
- Introduction to Law 2e
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- Legal Reason - The Use Of Analogy In Legal Argument
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- Figures of Thought - Mathematics and Mathematical Texts
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- e - The Story of a Number
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- A General History of Music
- A Geometry of Music - Harmony and Counterpoint in the Extended Common Practice
- A Life in Music
- A Musician's Dictionary
- A Musicology of Performance
- A Performer's Guide to Seventeenth-Century Music 2e
- A Portrait of Mendelssohn
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- Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course - Lesson Book, Level 1
- Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course - Lesson Book, Level 2
- Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course - Lesson Book, Level 3
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- An Introduction to Tchaikovsky's Operas
- Analysis and Value Judgement
- Analyzing Bach Cantatas
- Analyzing Schubert
- Ancient Greek Music
- Antonio Vivaldi - The Red Priest of Venice
- Art and Ideology in European Opera - Essays in Honour of Julian Rushton
- Aspects of Unity in J. S. Bach's Partitas and Suites - An Analytical Study
- Aspects of the Secular Cantata in Late Baroque Italy
- Bach (The Master Musicians)
- Bach - Among the Theologians
- Bach - The Goldberg Variations
- Bach Music in the Castle of Heaven
- Bach Performance Practice, 1945–1975 A Comprehensive Review of Sound Recordings and Literature
- Bach's Changing World
- Bach's Cycle, Mozart's Arrow
- Bach's Dialogue with Modernity
- Bach's Musical Universe The Composer and His Work
- Bach's Well-tempered Clavier
- Bach's Works for Solo Violin Style, Structure, Performance
- Bach, Beethoven and the Boys - Tenth Anniversary Edition! Music History As It Ought To Be Taught
- Bach’s Chorals Part I The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Passions and Oratorios
- Bach’s Chorals Part II The Hymns and hymn melodies of the cantatas and motetts
- Bach’s Chorals Part III The hymns and hymn melodies of the organ works
- Beethoven (The Master Musicians)
- Beethoven - Anguish and Triumph
- Beethoven - His Spiritual Development
- Beethoven - The Man Revealed
- Beethoven - The Music and the Life
- Beethoven Forum 1
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- Music Notation Dictionary
- Piano Chord Dictionary
- Sargam - An Introduction to Indian Music
- Usage of the Chinese Notation System versus the Western Notation System among Elementary Students
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- An Introduction to Marine Geology
- Aquaculture - Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants
- Aquaculture in the Middle East
- British Marine Zoology
- Chemical Oceanography, 4ed
- Coastal Geomorphology
- Community Structure of Macrozoobenthic Feeding Guilds in Responses to Eutrophication in Jakarta Bay
- Distribution of Oceans and Continents
- Efficacy of Calcein and Coomassie Blue Dyeing of Shell Growing-Edges and Micro Growth-Bands- Ageing Juvenile of Pinctada Mazatlanica (Pterioida- Pteriidae)
- Essentials of Oceanography
- Estuaries - Classification, Ecology, and Human Impacts
- FOOD SECURITY - Collapse of Gulf of Maine cod linked to rapid warming
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- Groundwater
- How the Ocean Works - an Intro to Oceanography
- Hydrogeology Problems With Solutions
- Hydrogeology
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- Intro to Physical Oceanography
- Invitation to Oceanography
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- Marine Biotechnology
- Marine Geology - Exploring the New Frontiers of the Ocean
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- Nitrogen in the Marine Environment
- Novel Abcb1 and Abcc Transporters Are Involved in the Detox of Benzo(Α)Pyrene in Thick Shell Mussel, Mytilus Coruscus
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- Ocean Geology 2d Activity
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- Ocean Geology Assessment
- Oceania.Ai
- Overview of the Romanian Sturgeon Supportive Stocking Programme in the Lower Danube River System
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- Pathways of Organic Carbon Downward Transport by the Biological Carbon Pump
- Seagrass Roots Strongly Reduce Cliff Erosion Rates in Sandy Sediments
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- Shark
- Study on Organic Matter Fractions in the Surface Microlayer in the Baltic Sea by Spectrophotometric and Spectrofluorometric Methods
- Substrate Type as a Selective Tool Against Colonization by Non-Native Sessile Invertebrates
- The Boundless Sea - a Human History of the Oceans
- The Coast of Coral
- The Known and Unknown About Marine Biodiversity in Ecuador (Continental and Insular)
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- A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy
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- A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages
- A History of Natural Philosophy From the Ancient World to the Nineteenth Century
- A History of Philosophy Vol. I Greece and Rome From the Pre-Socratics to Plotinus
- A History of Philosophy Vol. II Medieval Philosophy
- A History of Philosophy Vol. III Late Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Ockham, Francis Bacon, and the Beginning of the Modern World
- A History of Philosophy Vol. III Late Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Part I Ockham to the Speculative Mystics
- A History of Philosophy Vol. IV Modern Philosophy From Descartes to Leibnitz
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- A History of Philosophy Vol. V Modern Philosophy The British Philosophers from Hobbes to Hume
- A History of Philosophy Vol. VI Modern Philosophy From the French Enlightment to Kant
- A History of Philosophy Vol. VII Modern Philosophy From the Post-Kantian Idealists to Marx, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche
- A History of Philosophy Vol. VIII Modern Philosophy Empiricism, Idealism, and Pragmatism in Britain and America
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- An Introduction To Moral Philosophy
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- Applications of Moral Philosophy
- Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy - On the Relationship between His Ethics and Politics
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- Chance, Love, and Logic - Philosophical Essays
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- Course of the History of Modern Philosophy
- Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind
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- Bamboo - The Plant And Its Uses
- Combined Stresses In Plants - Physiological, Molecular, And Biochemical Aspects
- Consise Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology
- Flora Of Derbyshire
- Flowering Plants And Ferns
- Flowers And Flowering Plants
- Forensic Botany - A Practical Guide
- Fungal Biology
- Gardening Basics For Dummies
- Genetic Manipulation In Plants For Mitigation Of Climate Change
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- Glyphosate Resistance In Crops
- Grow More With Less
- Inducible Gene Expression In Plants
- Molecular Farming In Plants - Recent Advances And Future Prospects
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- Plant Anatomy - A Concept-Based Approach
- Plant Biology And Biotechnology Vol. II - Plant Genomics And Biotechnology
- Plant Biotechnology - Recent Advancements And Developments
- Plant Biotechnology And Genetics
- Plant Biotechnology And Plant Genetic - Resources For Sustainability And Productivity
- Plant Biotechnology And Transgenic Plants
- Plant Cells
- Plant Ecology 2e
- Plant Form - An Illustrated Guide To Flowering Plant Morphology
- Plant Genes, Genomes And Genetics
- Plant Pathology, Techniques And Protocols
- Plant Physiological Ecology 2e
- Plant Physiology, Development And Metabolism
- Principles Of Plant Genetics And Breeding
- Recent Advances In Plant Biotechnology
- Recombinant Gene Expression Reviews And Protocols 2e
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- Recombinant Proteins From Plants Methods And Protocols 2e
- Recombinant Proteins From Plants Production And Isolation Of Clinically Useful Compounds
- Recombinant Proteins From Plants
- Regulation Of Nutrient Uptake By Plants - A Biochemical And Molecular Approach
- Temperature And Plant Development
- The Biology Of Flowering Plants
- The Why And How Of Home Horticulture
- Transgenic Crop Plants Vol. 2 - Utilization And Biosafety
- Transgenic Crops V
- Transgenic Crops VI
- Transgenic Plants - Method And Protocols
- Transgenic Plants - Methods and Protocols
- Translational Genomics For Crop Breeding
- Understanding The Flowering Plants
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- African-American Political Thought - a Collected History
- American Politics, Then and Now and Other Essays
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- Butterfly Politics
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- Decision Making in Soviet Politics
- Developments in Central and East European Politics 2
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- European Politics Today
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- From Left to Right - Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History
- Fundamentals in British Politics
- History of American Politcal Thought 2e
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- In Search of Politics
- Individualization
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- Introduction to Political Concepts
- Modern Politics
- Muslim Politics
- Political Order in Changing Societies
- Political Parties in Advanced Industrial Democracies
- Political Violence - Belief, Behavior, and Legitimation
- Political and Related Models
- Politics - the Central Texts
- Presidents in the Movies - American History and Politics on Screen
- Sexual Politics
- That Noble Science of Politics - a Study in Nineteenth-Century Intellectual History
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- Understand Politics
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- Dark Psychology - Super ADVANCED
- Dark Psychology - The Practical Uses and Best Defenses of Psychological Warfare in Everyday Life
- Dark Psychology - Why YOU NEED to Learn NOW
- Dark Psychology and Manipulation - The Best Mind Control
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- Smart Thinking Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing
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- The Dark Side of Creativity
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